Latest Business Stories


Kiwi Business Story – Kelvin Watt at Graeme Dingle Foundation, Marlborough

Kelvin Watt is the General Manager of Graeme Dingle Foundation, Marlborough, and a Virtual Business Owner Programme alumni (formerly Taking Your Business Forward). This Kiwi ...

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Kiwi Business Story – Alex Haden at Preston Rowe Paterson

Alex Haden is the Managing Director of Preston Rowe Paterson and an Owner Manager Programme alumni. This Kiwi Business Story is based on a podcast from 24 August 2023, and all ...

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Kiwi Business Story – Katrina Jenner at Jenners Worldwide Freight

Katrina Jenner is the CEO of Jenners Worldwide Freight and an Owner Manager Programme alumni. This Kiwi Business Story is based on a podcast from 17 August 2023, and all figures ...

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Kiwi Business Story – Mel Buckley at Wallace & Stratton Developments

Mel Buckley is the General Manager of Wallace & Stratton Developments and a Leadership Development Programme alumni.This Kiwi Business Story is based on a podcast from 27 July ...

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Kiwi Business Story – Amy Bourke at Blank Canvas Catering

Amy Bourke is the Founder of Blank Canvas Catering, Co-Director of Fraemohs Homes Bay of Plenty, and a Financial Skills Workshop alumni. This Kiwi Business Story is based on a ...

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Kiwi Business Story: Josie Dawber at Plant & Food Research

Josie Dawber is the Plant Varieties Intellectual Property Manager at Plant & Food Research, and an Effective Leadership Programme alumni. This Kiwi Business Story is based on a ...

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Kiwi Business Story: Rewa Willis at Sherson Willis

Rewa Willis is the Co-Founder and Director of Sherson Willis, an Owner Manager Programme alumni, Financial Skills Workshop attendee and a Te Puni Kōkiri cadetship recipient. This ...

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Kiwi Business Story: Ashlee Rose, Founder Pikle & Fawe

Ashlee Rose is the Founder of Pikle & Fawe, was previously General Manager of Retail at TrailLite, and is a Leadership Development Programme alumni. This Kiwi Business Story is ...

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