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By the Numbers: Industries Investing in Themselves

We've run the numbers and these are the NZ industries investing in themselves. These figures include data from both the Owner Manager Programme and the Leadership Development ...

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Change of Leadership at The Icehouse

It has been exciting to have been able to step into the CEO role and lead The Icehouse business for coming up 2.5 years. This has not been without its challenges with the market ...

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As the co-founder of a SME business, the newly appointed Icehouse Auckland and Northland client lead “understands business ownership”

David Thompson started Snag Golf in 2011. A keen golfer (he has an 11 handicap!) David came up with the idea for the business when he was travelling in the States. “It happened by ...

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Productivity: Two Bay of Plenty Businesses Leading the Way

Two Bay of Plenty businesses are leading the way when it comes to lifting productivity goals. New Zealand recorded its biggest loss in productivity levels since 2009, Stats NZ ...

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Alumni of The Icehouse Andrea Smith to lead South Island

South Island business owners are set to benefit from a sales and tech guru taking the reins for The Icehouse in the South Island. Andrea Smith, a former director of IT stalwarts ...

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End Of An Era: Raewyn Goodwin Retires

Hi all, It is with very mixed emotions that I tell you that after nearly 23 years Raewyn has made the decision to retire and finish up with The Icehouse. Of course it was ...

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The SME State of Play - Five Strategic Concerns & Solutions in 2024

Blocking out the noise around you, adopting a laser focus on your business and developing a goal-orientated positive mindset in uncertain times were among the themes explored in ...

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The SME State of Play - Mindset Matters In 2024

A new year, and Kiwi business owners are looking for positive indicators on how the economy will perform in the next 12 months.

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How to build resilience and wellbeing over the holiday season… and beyond

The Icehouse recently caught up with Brad Hook, Chief Innovation Officer and a workshop delivery partner at the Resilience Institute. Brad offers some invaluable guidance to ...

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What’s holding you back? Volume 2

It’s time to revisit one of the more challenging propositions we pose to owner managers. What is stopping you from getting the help you, your business, and your team deserve to ...

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