Business Owner Programme

For Business Owners With Annual Revenue Between $1M-$3M

Over $3 Million? Check out the Owner Manager Programme!

This is a practical three-month programme for business owners – where you’ll have the opportunity to learn new business skills, network with fellow owners, and redesign your business for the future.

A version of this programme can also be customised for your business or organisation and delivered internally. Get in touch to learn more.


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What can Business Owners expect from this programme? 


Action Planning

An actionable plan that will focus on your business strategy

Network Of Support

Accountability and support from the other owners you're with

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Effective Leadership Skills

New skills, frameworks and tools to become a more effective leader

Steps In The Right Direction

A broader outlook, and a clear sense of direction and goals


Practical Learning Environment

A unique learning environment that enables implementation of skills into your business


1-on-1 Coaching Support

Support to implement the learnings from the programme into your business

The Programme Structure

This is a practical three-month academy for business owners, where you’ll have the opportunity to learn new business skills, network, and redesign your business for the future.

The programme is designed for owners of businesses with revenues between $1M - $3M.

The programme will provide you with the tools, support, and connections to drive progress and create a better business.

What Business Owners Will Learn

  • Deciding where your business will operate and how you will win in the future
  • Driving growth from the top - Leadership, Mindset & Resilience
  • Building a high performing team and culture in your business
  • Transforming how your business wins sales and why customers choose you
  • Generating growth through digital / social media channels
  • What it means to prepare to exit or sell your business

Meet Your Programme Facilitators


Michaela Vodanovich - BOP Page

Michaela Vodanovich

Michaela is the East Coast Regional Manager for The Icehouse and has worked with a variety of local, national and global businesses.

In addition to her role on the Business Owner Programme, she is also the Co-Director and facilitator of the Effective Leadership Programme. Having undertaken senior and general management roles for a number of international companies including Blue Star Group, GWA Group and Staples, Michaela has proven ability to build high performing, cross functional teams. Michaela works with business owners and their senior leaders to focus on having clear direction, developing leadership capability, improving productivity and increasing the visibility of company results to achieve growth and profitability.

Jamie Brock - BOP Page

Jamie Brock

Jamie is a Business Coach, Program Director for the Business Owner Programme, Emerging Leaders Programme and Sales Skills Workshop.

He works with a number of Icehouse customers, helping them to improve their business performance, and is an experienced senior executive, having led some of New Zealand’s largest sales and marketing teams. He has owned several small businesses and been involved with successful start-ups locally and offshore.

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I want people out there, especially Māori and Pacifica, and women in business, to know that the Business Owner Programme can really affirm that what you are doing is brilliant – and also fill some important business gaps.

Ray Everest
Co-founder of Future Focus
Business Owner Programme Alumni



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