Business Coaching
& Advisory


Coaching, mentoring & advisory services to achieve your goals, implement your strategy and manage your business better.

Every industry, every sector and at every stage in the business growth cycle – whatever you want your business to be, business coaching can help take care of some of the major issues and challenges you’re facing.


Expert Advice

Our Business Coaches Can Help


Every industry, every sector and at every stage in the business growth cycle – whatever you want your business to be, business coaching can help take care of some of the major issues and challenges you’re facing.

Whether it’s planning an exit strategy, understanding how to sell more effectively, developing ideas around brand and marketing, or pivoting your business during times of crisis, The Icehouse’s business coaches bring value to your business in countless ways.

Advisory services also include facilitated programmes that can also be tailored to your business, in-house training for multiple employees, advisory boards, mentoring and other customised workshops.

Meet Our Coaches
Working with you to achieve your goal, our coaches will help you gain clarity, perspective and keep you on track to implement your plans.
How We Work
Through regular, tailored catchups, you’ll quickly see a difference.
Coach Matching Guide
We can match you with a business expert whose background, experience, and skills are aligned with your needs.

Why Get A Coach?
Some Common Reasons For  Business Coaching


We go to the dentist, doctor and potentially the optometrist & hearing specialist. We take our car to a mechanic. We seek a builder if we’re renovating. We ask an Insurance broker to consider our needs and find the relevant products. We refer to a lawyer for a raft of things. We have teachers to educate our children and grandchildren. We expect the sports teams that we admire to have someone responsible for getting the best from the players. We might even have a personal trainer at the gym.

Oh and we spend money on those things. Sometimes a lot of money.

Our businesses are no different. Some people might even argue that their business is more important than a few of the other things on the list above. In many cases, our business is our most valuable income producing asset or we hope that it has the potential to be, particularly if we’re spending so much time in and on it. Maybe we even wish to leave a legacy for future generations.

Stuck Or Overwhelmed?


Our coaches have the experience to understand what it takes to make a business grow and how difficult it can be. 

They’ll be able to guide you through the tough times, they know it's your own company, it's your house that's on the line, your family’s wellbeing and so on.

We have helped over a hundred business owners get moving in the right direction and are now prospering because of it.

Solving A Problem?


Our coaches can provide a completely new approach to challenges you are facing. 

This can provide you with a new outlook across aspects of your business and articulate solutions in a way you can understand and apply yourself.



Need A Sounding Board?


Our Business Coaches are passionate about helping business owners to succeed. They bring all their experience to bear on your business and help you make the right decisions.

The overwhelming response we’ve had from kiwi business owners is that they really value advice from an objective, experienced expert who understands what they’re going through.

Our coaches have 'been there, done that' and now can help you avoid the same pitfalls.

Meet Our Business Coaches & Advisors

Andrew Martin
Auckland Central
Andy Hamilton
Auckland Central
Carollyn Chaplin
Auckland Central
Craig Caminos
Auckland North
Craig Neal
David Fleming
David Lilburne
Auckland Central
David Sinclair
Hawke's Bay
Dean Prebble
Hawkes Bay
Derek Young
Auckland Central
Emmet Hobbs
Auckland Central
Geoff Furniss
Greg Jarvis
Bay of Plenty
Jamie Brock
Bay of Plenty
Jayme Fuller
Auckland Central
Jo Clayton
Auckland Central
Josie Adlam
Ken Leeming
Auckland Central
Kevin Bailey
Kevin D'Ambros-Smith
Auckland Central
Kim Hill
Mel Rowsell
Auckland Central
Michaela Vodanovich
Hawkes Bay
Phil Coutts
Hawkes Bay
Ralph Blackburn
Rhys Walter
Auckland Central
Richard Lees
Auckland North
Richard Poole
Auckland Central
Robyn Young
Stuart Sinclair
Auckland North
Wayne Tollemache

How We Work
A Process With Purpose


Develop your capabilities to drive the growth of your business by working with a specialist business coach who will apply their business and industry knowledge to your specific needs.

Your expert coach will not make business decisions for you – instead, they are your sounding-board, strategy guide and professional business coach. They will help steer you on the right path to achieving your goals, share best-practice and guide you on how to develop and implement growth plans.

Through regular, tailored catchups, you’ll quickly see a difference in the way you operate and start to move your business to where you want it to be.


  1. Talk with one of our team about your business and goals.
  2. They will recommend one or more coaches that could help you based on location and topic expertise.
  3. You can review their bio's and credentials, then a preliminary meeting is setup between you and the coach.

  4. ​Once you are ready to get the process underway, we begin with a minimum 3-month engagement.
    This is broken up into regular session, so the coach has enough time to work alongside you and understand your business fully so that they can make an impact.


  • The coach will develop a view of the business with an impartial 'outside' view.
  • They will facilitate planning workshops with you.
  • They will identify business opportunities, processes to mitigate challenges and be your personal sounding board throughout the process. 
  • They will then look to create an action plan to achieve your business goals.
  • Then through continued regular sessions, keep you accountable to implementing the plan​.

Areas Of Expertise


If you have a goal or milestone that will benefit from expert assistance in a specific sector or specialty, we can match you with a business expert whose background, experience, and skills are aligned with your needs.

Working with you to achieve your goal, they will help you get clarity and perspective and keep you on track to implement your plans.

They will lend their experience and help you pick up new ideas, get more energised and learn how to focus on achieving critical milestones.

  • Identify desired outcomes and related business goals
  • Risk assessment and mitigation planning
  • Clarify the skills and capabilities that you will need to achieve the goals 
  • Identify priorities and create an action plan for the business  
  • Understand the financial drivers of your business
  • Implement key financial measures and reporting
  • Optimise cashflow and funding


  • Identify your strengths and "secret sauce”
  • Deepen your understanding of your target customers’ needs
  • Create marketing and communications plans
  • Develop sales strategy, structure and process
  • Digital capability review
  • Digital transformation ideation
  • Streamlined processes
  • Develop a digital strategy
  • Build sound decision-making processes
  • Put an advisory board in place
  • Chair advisory board
  • Organisation structure
  • Refine HR processes 
  • Team performance and leadership  development
  • Build the culture and resilience of your team



Not sure
where to start?



Let us help find you the right coach by telling us a little more about you and your business.



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where to start?



Let us help find you the right coach by telling us a little more about you and your business.



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where to start?



Let us help find you the right coach by telling us a little more about you and your business.



Not sure where to start?


Let us help find you the right business coach by telling us a little more about you and your business.