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Get secure in your remote working – with One NZ

Increased connectivity has given owners and their teams unprecedented freedom to work where and when they want, and the New Zealand workforce has never been more mobile, agile or ...

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I Wish I Did It Sooner 2

No business owner has ever said, ‘I am so glad I hesitated’. Which is why ‘I wish I did it sooner’ is something we hear a lot from owners as they join The Icehouse community.

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I Feel Guilty Investing in Myself: Part Two

Training and professional development programmes are important tools for entrepreneurs and owners to upskill themselves to make better-informed decisions in the running of their ...

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Focus on the Bay of Plenty

The Icehouse runs dedicated programmes and coaching services for Bay of Plenty business owners and their teams. It’s a privilege to work with talented and passionate business ...

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Removing The Roadblock. You. Part 2 – Follow the leaders.

It’s a confronting admission – that gut feeling that you as an owner, are stifling the growth of your business. “It comes up all the time in our conversations with Kiwi business ...

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I Have A Great Business, So Don’t Need Any Help. Part 2.

Having a great business is a wonderful thing. You’re making a healthy profit which meets all your financial, career and personal goals, you have a happy and motivated team, a ...

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Supporting Young Business Owners. Part 2.

Understandably, young business owners face a unique set of challenges as they navigate their business journey. They also have to fill knowledge gaps to cope with the familiar ...

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Why Governance is Important: Volume 2. New Trends.

Our previous governance blog introduced the importance of adopting a governance mindset as early as possible in your business lifecycle, the overarching benefits of an advisory ...

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Changing To a Growth Mindset: Volume 2

Changing To a Growth Mindset part one asked what stagnating business owners can do to develop a new and positive growth mindset and how The Icehouse’s Owner Manager Programme can ...

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Diversity on Programme: Impacting Asian Owners

“Business” and trade, has been a cornerstone of the Asian way of life for thousands of years. In Aotearoa, the Asian business community is thriving and, in a country where ...

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