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Diversity On Programme: The Construction Industry… Deconstructed

The construction industry has experienced more than its fair share of challenges in the past 36 months.As we welcome in 2023, our construction-related alumni business owners and ...

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Why one-to-one business coaching is key

One of the current trends we’re seeing at The Icehouse is a desire for more one-to-one business coaching.Extensive, intensive and transformative, one-to-one coaching can fulfil ...

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I Have A Great Business, So Don’t Need Any Help

“I don’t need any help. My business is doing great!”No one likes rejection, but we take it pretty well at The Icehouse. It’s good news when a potential customer tells us they ...

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Removing The Roadblock. You.

What can you do if the roadblock in your business is you, the owner? People want your time, your advice, your know-how and your experience. After all, you’ve seen the business ...

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Changing To a Growth Mindset

Through our programmes and conversations with our network and alumni, we're hearing ever louder concerns from a surprisingly underrepresented group. More and more highly ...

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Supporting Young Business Owners. Making it Count.

The Icehouse has long-championed the under-35 business owner. Emerging leader workshops and regionalised Young Business Owner Programmes have been integral to The Icehouse's ...

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Why Governance is important

First steps toward governance. An introduction…As the owner of a growing business, you will have thought about what governance can do for you. If you haven’t, it’s definitely ...

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“I’m Too Busy” – the Entrepreneurs’ Mantra

Ask any business owner how they are, and the most common response will be, “Oh, busy”. Consciously or otherwise, “being busy” is all in a day’s work for many entrepreneurs. After ...

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Māori on Programme, Representation Is Key.

The Icehouse is actively investing in ways to help more business owners from diverse backgrounds fulfil their potential and make their mark on the national and global stage.Every ...

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Resilience and Wellbeing as a Business Owner Manager

Running a business was always challenging. Throw into the mix what’s happened globally in the past two and a half years around lockdowns, labour shortages, and the daily struggles ...

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