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'Upskilling my team is critical.’ Enlightened entrepreneurship

Linkedin’s 2019 Workforce Learning Report found that 94% of employees stay at a company longer if their management invested in training them.Moreover, ‘[Through team investment]… ...

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Women on Programme – A Constant Challenge

At The Icehouse we are open and transparent enough to acknowledgethe challenges faced in getting under-represented groups onto our flagship Owner Manager Programme(OMP). This is a ...

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The Four Circles

The Four Circles is a key concept in The Icehouse Owner Manager Programme. It recognises how businesses are more likely to achieve success once they identify, address and ...

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Staff Turnover And How To Address It

IntroductionWhen staff turnover is high, it's a sign that something is wrong with your company. However, there are lots of reasons why your staff might leave – some bad, some ...

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How Do Business Owners Apply What They Have Learned To Improve Their Business

Introduction As a business owner, you have many responsibilities. You need to find customers, keep them happy, and provide them with the best product or service possible, among ...

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Growing As A Business Leader Never Ends

Introduction A business leader is a person who has achieved success in their chosen field, but that doesn't mean they've stopped growing. A true leader continues to learn and grow ...

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“I Feel Guilty Investing In Myself” – the Entrepreneurs’ Mantra

At The Icehouse, we hear all the time from passionate owners who are so emotionally invested in making their business a success. However, they struggle to make the connection ...

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Top 5 Reasons For Understanding Your Businesses Finances Better

Introduction As a small and medium business owner, you know that it can be hard to keep track of all the moving parts in your company. But as your business grows, so does the ...

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8 Reasons To Have A Business Coach

Introduction As a business owner, you need to be able to take on the responsibilities of running your own company. However, the more you grow your business, the more difficult it ...

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Rubber, Meet Road - Digital Transformation  Session 4

Halfway throughThe Icehouse’s newest programme – Digital Transformation (DX) – participants will have learned about the importance and developed a sense of urgency around DX ...

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