The Icehouse Podcast

Episode 118: Angus Syme and Cam Leigh, from The Flatpack Company

Written by The Icehouse | Feb 1, 2023 11:00:00 AM

Episode 118 of The Icehouse Podcast, hosted by Bryar Stewart, is with Angus Syme and Cam Leigh,  Icehouse Coaching Alumni and Co-Founders of The Flatpack Company - home of comfortable and affordable beds for flatters, first home buyers and students.   


This conversation will leave you buzzing! It unpacks; 

  • The story of The Flatpack Company, starting when Angus and Cam were students in Otago – a grassroots story!
  • The significant step to expand into the US this year
  • How they took bold steps at the right times to limit risks
  • Learnings and advice they would give two university friends starting a business together
  • The importance of discovering your strengths and weaknesses when working as co-founders
  • Their sense of purpose to push the personal ceiling as far as they can, to be happier, better managers, leaders and have healthy lifestyles
  • Key takeaways from their coaching with Kevin D’Ambros-Smith and how the coaching has positively contributed to their confidence and recent growth 

And more!

Have a listen and let us know what you think! Any questions? Contact us at

Check out our Podcast Series which is also on Spotify.